Stannah reveals London over 65s loneliest in Britain

16 July, 2014

London’s pensioners are the loneliest in Britain, a YouGov poll has found.

The Stannah Silver Census conducted by lift manufacturer, Stannah questioned 1,000 adults to provide a finger on the pulse of an oft-overlooked segment of British society.

The nationwide survey of those aged 65 and over found that 75% of pensioners surveyed revealed they experience feelings of loneliness – despite living within one hour of a relative.

London’s pensioners felt by far the most isolated in Britain, with those in Wales (61%) and the North (64%) feeling the least lonely.

The insight into British pensioners is visually represented in our infographic below.

So what do you think can be done to stop this? Let us know your thoughts on our Twitter page or on Facebook!



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